I found this fun little Foodie Book Club over at Never Home Maker and thought that I’d participate.  This month’s book is “The Kind Diet” by Alicia Silverstone.  I heard about this book nearly a month ago but with all the other information whirling around in my head I hadn’t checked it out.  Running across the Foodie’s Book Club presented me with the perfect opportunity.

Here are my thoughts:

  • This book was an EASY read…picked it up and read through it in one day!
  • For the most part, this book is non-judgemental and allows you to make your own personal decision regarding what you choose to eat.  Alicia does voice her opinion, but she also shares a LOT of facts.
  • Alicia brings you awareness of what is happening to the animals raised for meat…I never knew that most male chicks born are killed, suffocated in a garbage bin with thousands of other male chicks, or thrown into grinders live and fed to other animals. 
  • Alicia puts a fresh spin on the Vegan Lifestyle and spells out 3 Phases of Health – Flirting, Vegan, and Superhero.  She encourages you to try whatever stage you are comfortable with and to stick with it for 4 weeks before deciding if it is something you are willing to maintain or not.  She explains that change takes time and there will be lots of slip-ups before you get to a point that you don’t crave meat or dairy, but it will become easier as time passes (if you choose to take on this type of diet).
  • Zero calorie counting!  Alicia  states that if you eat a healthy vegan diet, enjoy your desserts, and move every day then you will find your perfect body.
  • Alicia discusses Nasty and Kind foods in detail…explaining why foods are/are not beneficial to your diet.

If you are flirting with the idea of becoming a vegetarian/vegan then this book is a must.  It is full of useful information and really makes you think.  As a result of reading this book I’m going to “Flirt” with vegan diet for 4 weeks and see how things go.  For the past 2 weeks I have been dairy free and found I felt less bloated than normal and had zero nausea.  I have not fully committed to a vegan lifestyle, nor do I know if that is what I will end up doing…but for 4 weeks I will try this lifestyle to help determine if it is a good fit for me.
